AI-Powered Mental Wellbeing

Prevent Burnout by connecting your collaborators with their purpose at work

Discover how our AI technology can transform the mental well-being of your employees, improve productivity and create a healthier and more engaged work environment.

We Create a Mental Wellness Experience for productive work

Our platform uses AI to provide personalized tools that improve the mental well-being and productivity of your employees.
Active Emotional Climate Analysis
Measure and analyze the emotional climate of your company in real time with our advanced AI. Get actionable insights to improve your team's well-being.
Development of Socio-Emotional Skills
Our platform trains your employees in social-emotional skills, helping them better manage stress and increase their job satisfaction.

Bumii is an ally of companies who believe in mental well-being.

Monitor the emotional climate of your company from a control panel

Our platform uses advanced AI to provide detailed, real-time analysis of your employees' emotional well-being, helping you identify and resolve issues before they impact productivity.
Interface intuitive and efficient

Our interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, allowing Managers and Directors to quickly access critical data about the emotional well-being of their employees and make informed decisions.

trust and support emotional

Bumii fosters a safe environment where employees can share their mental needs with complete confidence and without fear of being judged.


characteristics that transform

Bumii + Your company = Emotional well-being to improve productivity.

We address the disconnection between employees and their work with personalized tools that improve emotional well-being and motivation.

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Our solution allows employees to safely share their concerns with AI, helping to identify and resolve wellbeing issues before they impact productivity.

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Our solution helps reduce burnout and improve the emotional well-being of your employees, creating an environment of trust and commitment.
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Customize the wellness approach to fit your team's unique needs, improving motivation and job satisfaction.

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Why apply Bumii in your organization?

Why is our solution the best for emotional well-being?

We transform the burnout and work disconnection in emotional well-being and productivity for your employees.

We address emotional disconnection

We help resolve the disconnection between collaborators and their work through innovative tools that improve emotional well-being and motivation.

Powerful and effective tools
Our advanced functionalities allow us to measure and improve emotional well-being, helping to reduce burnout and increase productivity in your company.
Intuitive design for well-being
Our platform is designed to be easy to use, allowing managers and employees to access emotional insights simply and effectively.
Practical and accessible solutions
Easy-to-implement tools so you can focus on solving emotional well-being problems without technical complications.

Inspire your collaborators to reach your mental well-being

and boost the productivity of your company with Bumii®

Three simple steps to transform emotional well-being

Bumii® combats burnout and work disconnection with a simple and effective solution to improve emotional well-being and productivity in your company.

Download the APP

Download bumii and start transforming the emotional well-being of your employees with our intuitive tool.

Create your profile

Register your work team in Bumii and personalize each collaborator's profile to receive recommendations and specific emotional support.

Enjoy our application

Use bumii to continually monitor and improve the emotional well-being of your employees, creating a healthier and more productive work environment.

Are you ready to transform the lives of your collaborators?

And improve the productivity of your company