Terms and Conditions

USE POLICIES – BUMII APP (PERSONS) 1. Introduction: Bumii is a mobile application designed to generate personalized content using Artificial Intelligence, based on evidence-based psychology, in order to develop socio-emotional, communication and other skills and competencies necessary for improve personal and work relationships, as well as the ability to manage emotions to strengthen mental and personal well-being. 2. Responsible Use and Supervision: The content generated by Bumii is intended to be used by people of legal age. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the use of the app is appropriate and suitable for their personal purposes. 3. PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION AGREEMENT In compliance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decrees, as well as current regulations related to the protection of personal data in Colombia, this Agreement formalizes the user's consent and authorization for the processing of your personal data by Bumii, who acts as Processor and Responsible for data processing. Authorization for the Processing of Personal Data: By clicking on the “I accept” button in the Bumii app, the user expressly grants prior, informed and conscious authorization for Bumii to carry out the processing of their personal data with the following purposes: Statistical analysis of the use of the Bumii app. Improvements and optimizations of the Bumii app. Carrying out academic and non-profit studies on the use of technologies by users. Development of personalized content based on evidence-based psychology for the development of socio-emotional, communication and other skills and competencies necessary to improve personal and work relationships, as well as emotion management to strengthen mental and personal well-being. 4. Responsible and Data Processor: Bumii acts as Data Processor and Responsible for the processing of personal data, guaranteeing compliance with applicable regulations. 5. Data Transfer and Transmission: International transmission of personal data to servers located abroad may be required. Bumii guarantees compliance with Colombian regulations, protecting the personal data transmitted at all times. The transmission of data will be carried out with the due authorization of its owners and ensuring adequate security measures. 6. Personal Data Subject to Processing: The personal data subject to processing includes, but is not limited to: name, age, gender, interests, contact information and any other information provided by the user through the Bumii app. 7. Rights of the Data Owner: The user, as the owner of the data, has the right to: Access their personal data and know the details of their processing. Consult, rectify and update your personal data. Request the deletion of your personal data when you consider that they are not being treated in accordance with the principles, rights and guarantees established in current regulations. Revoke the authorization granted for the processing of your personal data at any time. 8. Security Measures: Bumii undertakes to adopt all the necessary technical, administrative and human measures to guarantee the security, confidentiality and integrity of the user's personal data. Security protocols will be implemented to protect information against unauthorized access, loss, alteration, disclosure or destruction. 9. Validity and Revocation: The authorization for the processing of personal data has an indefinite validity, and the user can revoke it at any time through the channels provided by Bumii. The revocation of consent will not affect the purposes already fulfilled or in progress at the time of revocation. 10. Contact for Exercise of Rights: The user can exercise their rights of access, consultation, rectification, updating, deletion and revocation through the following contact channels: Email: [email protected] Telephone: +573183659833 Physical address: Cl. 101b #45a – 41 Office 101, Bogotá By clicking on “I accept”, the user declares that they have read, understood and accepted the terms of this Personal Data Protection Agreement, granting their consent for the processing of their personal data in accordance with what is established here.11. Story module Responsible Use and Approval of Content: Bumii's story module offers the possibility of generating content automatically and personalized, especially aimed at children and adolescents. It is important to highlight that any content generated by the platform will be presented to the minor only after obtaining explicit approval from the child's legal guardian. The child's guardian is responsible for reviewing and approving all content that the Bumii platform generates before it is presented to the minor. Responsibility of the Child's Guardian: The child's legal guardian assumes the responsibility of supervising and controlling access to the content creation and management platform. It is the guardian's obligation to ensure that access to this tool is exclusively theirs and that the child does not have direct access to the platform. If the guardian grants technological access to the tool to the minor, he or she assumes full responsibility for the creation and approval of new content that will be accessible by the child. Automatically Generated Content: Bumii generates content automatically using information provided by the tutor about the child, their tastes, interests and socio-emotional skills. However, all generated content will be subject to the guardian's approval before being presented to the minor. Consent and Approval: Any content generated by Bumii will be presented to a minor only after the child's guardian has given explicit consent and approved such content. This ensures that the tutor can review and ensure that the content is appropriate and appropriate for the child. Privacy and Security: The Bumii platform is committed to protecting the privacy and security of the data provided by the guardian and the minor. The data will be treated in accordance with current legal regulations and our privacy policies. Education and Entertainment: The Bumii platform aims to provide an educational and entertaining experience for children and adolescents, while allowing active and supervised participation by the legal guardian. By using the Bumii platform, the child's guardian accepts and understands these usage policies, as well as the responsibility to supervise and approve the content generated by the platform before it is presented to the minor. These policies seek to ensure a safe and appropriate environment for minors' interaction with technology and the content generated. 12. Personal data processing agreement for minors – story generation module In compliance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decrees, as well as current regulations related to the protection of personal data in Colombia, The purpose of this Agreement is to formalize the consent and authorization by the legal representative of the minor [NAME OF THE MINOR], hereinafter the “Minor”, for the processing of his or her personal data by Bumii, hereinafter “Bumii” . If personal data of minors is eventually provided, the guardian or legal representative declares that they are aware that their responses are optional in accordance with the applicable regulations. 12.1.. Authorization for the Processing of Personal Data: By using the Bumii App, the legal representative of the Minor grants expressly, prior, informed and conscious authorization for Bumii to carry out the processing of the Minor's personal data with the following purposes: – Statistical analysis of the use of the Bumii application. – Improvements and optimizations of the Bumii application. – Conducting academic and non-profit studies on the use of technologies by minors. – Transfer and Transmission of data: In the development of the Commercial Relationship, the international transmission of personal data to a server located abroad may be required. In the event that this occurs, the PROCESSOR guarantees that it will fully comply with Colombian regulations, safeguarding at all times the personal data that must be transmitted. In any case, the personal data that may eventually be transmitted have due authorization from their owners to carry out the international transmission of their data. 12.2. Personal Data Subject to Processing: The personal data that will be subject to processing includes, but is not limited to. name or nickname b. age c. tastes or interests 12.3. Rights of the Data Owner: The Data Owner, as the legal representative of the Minor, may exercise the rights established in Law 1581 of 2012 and other regulations related to the protection of personal data, including the rights of access, consultation , rectification, updating, deletion and revocation. 12.4. Security Measures: The Data Controller undertakes to adopt all the necessary technical, administrative and human measures to guarantee the security, confidentiality and integrity of the Minor's personal data. 12.5. Validity and Revocation: The authorization granted by the Data Owner has an indefinite validity and may be revoked at any time through the channels provided by Bumii for this purpose, without prejudice to the purposes already fulfilled or in progress at the time of authorization. revocation. ——— USE POLICIES – BUMII APP (ORGANIZATIONS) 1. Introduction: Bumii is a mobile application designed to generate personalized content using Artificial Intelligence, based on evidence-based psychology, in order to develop socio-emotional, communication and social skills and competencies. others necessary to improve personal and work relationships, as well as the ability to manage emotions to strengthen mental and personal well-being. Bumii offers its services exclusively to legally constituted organizations 2. Responsible Use and Supervision: The content generated by Bumii is intended to be used under the supervision of the contracting organizations. It is the responsibility of the contracting organization to ensure that the use of the app by its users is supervised and that the content generated is appropriate and suitable for its purposes. 3. PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION AGREEMENT In compliance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decrees, as well as current regulations related to the protection of personal data in Colombia, this Agreement formalizes the user's consent and authorization. for the processing of your personal data by the XXXX organization (hereinafter “the Organization”), who acts as Data Controller, and Bumii, who acts as Data Processor. Authorization for the Processing of Personal Data: By clicking on the “I accept” button in the Bumii app, the user expressly grants prior, informed and conscious authorization for the Organization and Bumii to carry out the processing of their data. personal data for the following purposes: Statistical analysis of the use of the Bumii app. Improvements and optimizations of the Bumii app. Carrying out academic and non-profit studies on the use of technologies by users. Development of personalized content based on evidence-based psychology for the development of socio-emotional, communication and other skills and competencies necessary to improve personal and work relationships, as well as emotion management to strengthen mental and personal well-being. 4. Responsible and in charge of Data Processing: The Organization acts as Responsible for the processing of users' personal data. Bumii acts as the Processor of personal data, following the instructions of the Organization and guaranteeing compliance with applicable regulations. 5. Data Transfer and Transmission: International transmission of personal data to servers located abroad may be required. Bumii guarantees compliance with Colombian regulations, protecting the personal data transmitted at all times. The transmission of data will be carried out with the due authorization of its owners and ensuring adequate security measures. 6. Personal Data Subject to Processing: The personal data subject to processing includes, but is not limited to: name, age, gender, interests, contact information and any other information provided by the user through the Bumii app. 7. Rights of the Data Owner: The user, as the owner of the data, has the right to: Access their personal data and know the details of their processing. Consult, rectify and update your personal data. Request the deletion of your personal data when you consider that they are not being treated in accordance with the principles, rights and guarantees established in current regulations. Revoke the authorization granted for the processing of your personal data at any time. 8. Security Measures: Bumii and the Organization undertake to adopt all the necessary technical, administrative and human measures to guarantee the security, confidentiality and integrity of the user's personal data. Security protocols will be implemented to protect information against unauthorized access, loss, alteration, disclosure or destruction. 9. Validity and Revocation: The authorization for the processing of personal data has an indefinite validity, and the user can revoke it at any time through the channels provided by the Organization and Bumii. The revocation of consent will not affect the purposes already fulfilled or in progress at the time of revocation. 10. General Use Information: The Organization may have access to general, non-individualized information on the use of Bumii by its linked users. This information will be used to improve the services offered and ensure that the content generated meets the established objectives. 11. Contact for Exercise of Rights: The user can exercise their rights of access, consultation, rectification, updating, deletion and revocation through the following contact channels: Email: [email protected] Telephone: +573183659833 Physical address: Cl. 101b #45a – 41 Office 101, Bogotá By clicking on “I accept”, the user declares that they have read, understood and accepted the terms of this Personal Data Protection Agreement, granting their consent for the processing of their personal data in accordance with what is established here. 12. Stories Module Responsible Use and Approval of Content: The Bumii stories module offers the possibility of generating content automatically and personalized, especially aimed at children and adolescents. It is important to highlight that any content generated by the platform will be presented to the minor only after obtaining explicit approval from the child's legal guardian. The child's guardian is responsible for reviewing and approving all content that the Bumii platform generates before it is presented to the minor. Responsibility of the Child's Guardian: The child's legal guardian assumes the responsibility of supervising and controlling access to the content creation and management platform. It is the guardian's obligation to ensure that access to this tool is exclusively theirs and that the child does not have direct access to the platform. If the guardian grants technological access to the tool to the minor, he or she assumes full responsibility for the creation and approval of new content that will be accessible by the child. Automatically Generated Content: Bumii generates content automatically using information provided by the tutor about the child, their tastes, interests and socio-emotional skills. However, all generated content will be subject to the guardian's approval before being presented to the minor. Consent and Approval: Any content generated by Bumii will be presented to the minor only after the child's guardian has given explicit consent and approved said content. This ensures that the tutor can review and ensure that the content is appropriate and appropriate for the child. Privacy and Security: The Bumii platform is committed to protecting the privacy and security of the data provided by the guardian and the minor. The data will be treated in accordance with current legal regulations and our privacy policies. Education and Entertainment: The Bumii platform aims to provide an educational and entertaining experience for children and adolescents, while allowing active and supervised participation by the legal guardian. By using the Bumii platform, the child's guardian accepts and understands these usage policies, as well as the responsibility to supervise and approve the content generated by the platform before it is presented to the minor. These policies seek to ensure a safe and appropriate environment for minors' interaction with technology and the content generated. 13. Personal data processing agreement for minors – story generation module In compliance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decrees, as well as current regulations related to the protection of personal data in Colombia, The purpose of this Agreement is to formalize the consent and authorization by the legal representative of the minor [NAME OF THE MINOR], hereinafter the “Minor”, for the processing of his or her personal data by Bumii, hereinafter “Bumii” . If personal data of minors is eventually provided, the guardian or legal representative declares that they are aware that their responses are optional in accordance with the applicable regulations. 13.1.. Authorization for the Processing of Personal Data: By using the Bumii App, the legal representative of the Minor grants expressly, prior, informed and conscious authorization for Bumii to carry out the processing of the Minor's personal data with the following purposes: – Statistical analysis of the use of the Bumii application. – Improvements and optimizations of the Bumii application. – Conducting academic and non-profit studies on the use of technologies by minors. – Transfer and Transmission of data: In the development of the Commercial Relationship, the international transmission of personal data to a server located abroad may be required. In the event that this occurs, the PROCESSOR guarantees that it will fully comply with Colombian regulations, safeguarding at all times the personal data that must be transmitted. In any case, the personal data that may eventually be transmitted have due authorization from their owners to carry out the international transmission of their data. 13.2. Personal Data Subject to Processing: The personal data that will be subject to processing includes, but is not limited to. name or nickname b. age c. tastes or interests 13.3. Rights of the Data Owner: The Data Owner, as the legal representative of the Minor, may exercise the rights established in Law 1581 of 2012 and other regulations related to the protection of personal data, including the rights of access, consultation , rectification, updating, deletion and revocation. 13.4. Security Measures: The Data Controller undertakes to adopt all the necessary technical, administrative and human measures to guarantee the security, confidentiality and integrity of the Minor's personal data. 13.5. Validity and Revocation: The authorization granted by the Data Owner has an indefinite validity and may be revoked at any time through the channels provided by Bumii for this purpose, without prejudice to the purposes already fulfilled or in progress at the time of authorization. revocation.